The ACT-SO program is intended to be a learning experience, first and foremost.
About ACT-SOACT-SO is an acronym for Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics. ACT-SO, the "Olympics of the Mind," is a nation-wide program sponsored by the NAACP that encourages high academic and cultural achievement among African-American high school students. The 7-month local program features leadership development sessions, 1-on-1 mentorship, and service activities. The DuPage County ACT-SO program culminates with an academic competition and Awards Banquet in March where students present projects developed under the guidance of mentors. The local gold medalists then compete against winners from other cities at the National ACT-SO finals held during the NAACP's Annual Convention in July. |
The ACT-SO program is intended to be a learning experience, first and foremost. The focus of a viable and effective local ACT-SO program is on enrichment and mentorship. Students work with mentors who help them develop projects throughout the year. Local ACT-SO programs also provide ACT-SO students with enrichment opportunities, such as workshops, tutorials, and field trips.
Benefits ACT-SO students receive from the enrichment and mentorship components include substantial assistance toward the development of their ACT-SO projects and valuable tools to assist them throughout their education.
The local competition serves to showcase the hard work students have put in all year long. Students receive medals and prizes provided by sponsors of and contributors to the local program. ACT-SO Students who receive gold medals on the local level receive cash awards and are eligible to compete at the National Competition which is held in a different state each year.
ACT-SO Expanding The Minds Of Our Youth